The Nation : Mr. CEO , talking about poverty is a reality in our country, and much talk as ADDS . Is this you could talk a little about the place and role of your agency in the fight against poverty?
DG: To better understand the place and role of the ADDS , you may need to try to define poverty.
It is very difficult to define, but to make more simple notion , I would say that this is a blatant lack or insufficient resources. And hence , poverty is multifaceted. It can be monetary , it is poor when there was no where to stay , when you do not have access to basic social services such as education , health , water , energy, when n did not drive or network discharge wastewater or stormwater.
The welfare of its population being the primary concern of any government, ours decisively , has plenty of ways to eradicate this scourge . He strongly believes that it is not inevitable.
The Nation: And ADDS ?
DG: ADDS is part of a balanced vision and scope to the future of the Head of State in its National Initiative for Social Development or INDS . This initiative overview constituting the matrix of the social project of which he is the holder .
ADDS is a tool implementation of this initiative for some axes. As such, its mission , through integrated actions to fight against precariousness and exclusion of vulnerable and regional divide. These integrated actions are linked in a package : infrastructure, social development through community action and capacity building of stakeholders , local governance through technical and institutional support at local and regional level , micro finance and classical Islamic the development of access to renewable energy for our communities from the inside, the various professional courses.
There is a point that should be emphasized , the social welfare projects or projects of social safety nets in the jargon. This type of program , driver still at some places , combines a prevention of child malnutrition and that pregnant and lactating women , incidentally , greatly rampant in our rural communities but also in suburban Djibouti, and second component on the work of the Community utility intensive opener hand. The goal is to save human capital and increase the resilience of poor households to shocks related to the crisis . This highly innovative approach is conducted on a pilot basis in Djibouti and nowhere else in the world.
The Nation: We need ways to perform these actions ?
DG: Yes, it takes a lot of resources. As an illustration, the government has more than 4 billion CFA francs available ADDS since its inception in 2008 to implement the programs and projects of various types. And its development partners have contributed more than $ 9 billion in 12 projects.
The Nation: And in terms of implementation ?
DG: The achievements are many and varied. They range from the construction of various facilities such as dam Ambouli , commercial equipment in the regions , to support governance by developing blueprints of Djibouti and Regions, to the solar equipment the training of young people in various trades , creating popular savings and credit . So you see that the fields are varied.
The Nation: The fight against poverty is a long- term , we strongly suspect that you have other projects or programs in perspective.
DG : Yes. At the moment we have 6 projects in our portfolio including 2 on urban development , one on waste management , 1 set of solar, 1 set also on social nets and 1 on local governance . We estimate the overall amount to about 25 million dollars , equivalent to 4.4 billion. 2 certainly will start in 2014 and the rest is under formulation and evaluation later.
The Nation: The final word Mr. CEO ?
DG: ADDS fully measure the confidence that made him and the missions assigned . She will do anything to deserve it. When the mission is noble , it is not allowed to fail !