The initiative yesterday at CASAF Balbala just translate a clear desire on top of the state to improve the living conditions of families in extreme circumstances or relative vulnerability in the capital and regions of the interior. The conclusion sums up the rationale of social protection is to support equitable process of social development.
The Social Action Center and Women’s Empowerment (CASAF) Balbala was full of people yesterday at the official launch of the work-intensive and labor-intensive work of labor.
The ceremony was held under the patronage of the Minister of State for National Solidarity Zahra Youssouf Kayad. There, she was surrounded by the Chairman of the Joint Balbala, Yusuf Hassan Nouho, the director of CASAF Roda Doualeh Ahmed, the chairman of the neighborhood committee Tarpaulin Water Mohamed Hussein Ibrahim, the leader of the association « Ficil « Tarpaulin Water, Abdifatah Aden Hamoud, several senior officials of the State Secretariat for National Solidarity (NSIS) and responsible for the Djibouti social Development Agency (ADDS).
The event brought hope to the poor households of the popular district said « tarp water » in the common Balbala.
These households are among the target population of the national program of social safety nets, funded by the World Bank. ADDS is the prime contractor on the ground.
The initiative yesterday just reflect a clear desire on top of the state to improve the living conditions of families in extreme circumstances or relative vulnerability in the capital and regions of the interior.
The conclusion sums up the rationale of social protection is to support equitable process of social development.
Indeed, social protection is an essential tool for reducing poverty in low-income countries like ours.
It covers several dimensions complementary to each other as human development, economic growth, democracy, stability and security.
These are a key link in the chain of national solidarity whose efforts have turned to reducing economic vulnerability, social, food, nutrition and mitigation of other shocks and stresses.