Project Title: Reconstruction Project Emergency Following Floods (PRUSI)
Coverage area: the Ambouli district resettlement area PK12
Donors: World Bank
Estimated Cost (in millions): SDR 5.8 million
Type of funding: a credit of SDR 2.2 million and a grant of SDR 3.6 million
Agency implementation: Djiboutian Agency Implementation of Public Interest Works (ADETIP) / Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS)
Start date: In July 2004
Estimated end date: March 2009
Project Objectives:
The fundamental objective and specific objectives are:
– The rehabilitation and revitalization of economic and social assets damaged by the floods in April 2004. The project also aims to improve living conditions in the area where the government has resettled people whose homes were destroyed by flooding through the infrastructure.
– The project also aims at strengthening the capacity of disaster managements.
– Emergency rehabilitation of social economic infrastructure;
– Provision of basic infrastructure in the resettlement area PK12 services;
– Techniques for prevention and disaster management consulting services;
– Assistance to the management and implementation of the project;