Facilitators trained to provide medical and nutritional monitoring
A training workshop entitled » recycling counselors mothers and facilitators on the prevention of maternal and child malnutrition in community-based , » opened yesterday at the headquarters of UNFD . Fifty mothers , from the capital and Arta regions and Tadjourah , enjoy this animated by the coordinator of the nutrition program ADDS Ms. Mouna Ahmed Farah training.
The phenomena of acute malnutrition and poor nutrition observed among the most vulnerable segments of the population constitute a public health problem .
It was to put an end to this situation, the State Secretariat for National Solidarity ( NSIS ) has included a large section dedicated to the prevention and the fight against child malnutrition and promotion of breastfeeding and hence healthy eating mothers in its extensive program of social safety nets.
Control program against child malnutrition and promoting breastfeeding is financed through support from the Government of Japan and the World Bank.
The Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS ) is the prime contractor. The program is implemented in peri-urban areas of the municipality of Balbala and in several localities of Arta regions and Tadjourah .
Nutritionists ADDS experts and other stakeholders ensure the effective implementation of this project from the beneficiaries.
A … nutritional and medical monitoring .
More generally, the program of prevention of child malnutrition is a series of decisive goals.
It is provide nutritional and medical care to the child to ensure his healthy growth and thus preserve the health risks of an unhealthy diet or undernutrition .
To do this , nutritionists experts acting through a grid of activities including practical training to counselors mothers and facilitators identified in populations of beneficiaries.
Thus, sessions cooking demonstration and a good healthy balanced diet are regularly organized.
In addition, nutrition experts are promoting breastfeeding and encourage pre and post natal consultation .
Experts rely on consultants mothers and facilitators who have been trained as trainers and thus ensure the relay on the ground overnight thanks to their custom and daily contact with the target audiences of the program.
Better yet, the centers closest to the beneficiaries community health centers and references against – references for each area .
Note that counselors mothers and facilitators have been trained at the beginning of the program during a three-day workshop and they have the same refresher training two days every three months.
To return to the workshop which began yesterday and is scheduled to end today , I must say it has been organized in several sessions with relevant content and discussion sessions between leaders and beneficiaries.
Thus , participants were able to follow carefully during yesterday presentations focused on the goals and objectives at the end of the training, but also the monitoring of pregnancy in the home and the different pregnancy tests .
The trainers also discussed the signs that allow to recognize the health hazards and risks associated with pregnancy itself.
The special diet for pregnant women was also a highlight of the training because these nutritional foods have been descriptions and practical demonstrations .
The program support…
It is expected that the students deal with in today’s day themes of utmost importance since they will have to understand the media program as the growth curve , the terms of reference, the fireplace damper or notebook recording .
Discussions on meadows oral test and debates on the subject will also be on the agenda. Note finally that a session will be devoted to learning about the nutritional capacity of pregnant and information, education and communication (IEC) .
The workshop will close with a session devoted to the description on micronutrients ( plumpydoz and tayo ) .
Its proponents hope that this workshop recycling effect is followed to improve the efficient implementation of the program of prevention of child malnutrition and promotion of breastfeeding.