This issue of our magazine , is involved in a national political context, marked mainly by the re-election of His Excellency Mr. Ismail Omar Guelleh , after the election held Friday, April 8, 2011 . Management as well as all managers take this opportunity to send their congratulations . Our compatriots and wanted through this renewed confidence to reaffirm their commitment to political and economic decisions of the President, on the one hand , and expressed at the same time , support for the pursuit of committed development , that more than one decade. It may be said the consecration of a political project based on the values of solidarity , sharing , fairness , consensus and guarantees in addition, the stability, security and peace.
Values that the measure can not be filled in a world of unpredictable factors iconic and internal rifts companies and holds the sad record never equaled in the history of exponential growth of poverty in swathes of regions of the world , while, paradoxically , at the same time , the wealth produced is also unprecedented . Within two decades the list of countries affected by poverty, extends and remains open here proclaimed the indignation of the international community at the Millennium Summit .
Djibouti did not skimp on how to deal with this painful reality by mobilizing around a national strategy to fight against poverty, which promises to be a refusal fatalisation the phenomenon and also the expression of opportunities to eradicate . The emergence of this strategy will say to occupy a central place in the work done by the Head of State on the occasion of his first term , creating a charge of combating poverty ADETIP institution before promote in the same vein, in 2008 precisely during his second term a better structuring of the field expression of the action through the creation of ADDS .
If the agency is following the merger ADETIP and FSD , it is not so far the development of existing structures . It is indeed a new institution called upon to carry out assignments under specific conditions , with reference to a global development project which determines the direction and sets prioritized areas of intervention : INDS .
This initiative introduces an approach which reflects innovation and breaks with past practice by writing the action in a policy of integrated development , which combines a balanced economic dimension , social, political and environmental . It is a social project , whose objectives are proposed to support both fundamental issues of development and poverty eradication . ADDS , as a major tool to bring about this goal is the expression of this new impulse.
Since its inception three years ago , and we can say with pride that the path in such a short time brings up some very positive results excluding any period of cogitation and preliminary design to the implementation of the operating structures a new institution that would otherwise complete , the work undertaken by the ADETIP . The credit goes naturally to the commitment of the government, but also the relevance of the work done by the agency officials that each one in his field of expertise have enabled these results as quickly .
However, the fight against poverty is a long struggle , a site mandature permanently open , as noted by the Head of State . If the state in its capacity as promoter of social cohesion , the guarantor of the general interest , has put her instituting creating the NSF , to finance the program of fight against insecurity and vulnerability , the magnitude of s challenge necessarily requires greater involvement of the private sector , civil society, and of course , the development partners to a requirement of solidarity, more pressing for the people in the process of impoverishment.
If the determination of the functions and tasks of the ADDS , or any institution inevitably leads to the objectives over time (short, medium and long term ), we have implemented an action plan 2010-2015 which focuses on a process of strengthening and consolidation of acquired pilots , development of new prospects for improving living conditions of society affected by poverty in Djibouti city and the country , in terms of infrastructure, access to safe drinking water, social infrastructure , solar electrification , the fight against youth unemployment , etc …
Finally, the fourth issue of this magazine has quite naturally on activities , or nearing completion , the synthesis of a survey conducted in 12 districts , 14.15 , investigation will continue in other cities, urban and rural , whose objectives are to identify with the people and their needs . This is an innovative approach that combines the relevant public in decision -making on the improvement of their living conditions.
I believe that hope for a real change can only come from the results of a collective effort.