The Secretary of State for National Solidarity Zahra Youssouf Kayad, met last Wednesday in his cabinet with a Sudanese delegation activities of the different national programs to fight against poverty.
The Secretary of State for National Solidarity Zahra Youssouf Kayad, met last Wednesday in his cabinet a Sudanese delegation.
The Secretary General of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, NouhOmar Miguil, and the Director General of the ADDS, Mahdi Mohamed Djama, attended the course of the interview.
The visitors were senior Sudanese Ministries of Finance and Social Affairs.
They referred to the Secretary of State for National Solidarity of Djibouti the object of their stay, a week. They hear the leverage to soak up the activities of the different national programs to fight against poverty.
The idea meets the Khartoum authorities’ concern to develop a response shortly strategic plan against insecurity in Sudan. Zahra Youssouf Kayad took note of the expectations of Sudanese interlocutors on this point.
In doing so, she was pleased to welcome them to his ministry. She also stressed that the visit of the Sudanese mission is part of a formal framework for exchange of experience for the purpose of reducing vulnerabilities.
Entering the heart of the matter, the Secretary of State for National Solidarity informed his guests of the day that the government has implemented programs aimed attenuation or eradication throes of poverty throughout the the national territory. And that, she recalled, under the leadership of President reiterated the Republic.
« These concrete measures aim to improve living conditions of vulnerable populations through access to basic social services, » she said in substance.
Such a legitimate ambition is rooted in the long-term strategy of Djibouti authorities to combat poverty.
It resulted in the enactment of the economic and social orientation law and the development of the strategic framework of poverty reduction (PRSP), adopted in May 2004 on the one hand and on the other setting Place a suitable device through the creation of the Djiboutian Agency public interest work (ADETIP) and the social Fund for Development (SFD), respectively, financed by the World Bank (WB) and the African Development Bank (AfDB ).
After their trade with Zahra Youssouf Kayad, members of the Sudanese delegation visited the headquarters of the Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS), where the Director General has received them as it should.
Without delay, Mr. Mahdi Mohamed Djama they outlined the components of different ongoing programs and activities of the ADDS field.
On this, senior officials of the Sudanese Ministries of Finance and Social Affairs have taken the path of the crate popular savings and credit, situated near the imposing edifice of UNFD.
They continued their visits by successive immersions in the premises of the Islamic finance micro pilot plant, located in Balbala and facilities of community complex Wahle-Daba.