• 2186

    The technical school Dikhil hosted on Saturday a ceremony marking the end of a training in auto mechanics. The event is attended by senior prefectural and regional leaders, leaders of the ADDS, and fifteen young learners dikhilois. They were presented with certificates at the end of their training, which lasted six months. A attestations ceremony ...
  • 1937

    After the Arta region, the caravan of the Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS), carrying a project PROPEJA (Project for the Promotion of Youth Employment and Handicrafts), was last Thursday passing the capital of the region of Ali Sabieh. Visitors are organized a raffle to benefit 209 young assajogs eligible under this program. A draw which ...
  • 2236

    A workshop on the management of acute malnutrition which closed yesterday at the headquarters of the NGO Bender Djedid, located to the west of Djibouti city Salines. ADDS was organizer. And this, remember, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the local UNICEF office. This meeting brought together 2 days on-site representatives of ...
  • 1915

    The Djiboutian Social Development Agency (ADDS) continues the draw of beneficiaries of Employment Promotion Project Youth and Handicrafts (PROPEJA). The inhabitants of the town of Arta received last Wednesday the draw of this program. The ceremony held in the conference room of the regional council seat Arta attended, besides the 96 eligible youth from this ...
  • 2343

    The Djiboutian Social Development Agency (ADDS) proceeded from 17 to 19 April 2016 at the launch of the phase of the draw for the beneficiaries of the beneficiaries of target areas of Ward 5, Layableh, Pk 12, Hayableh and Mosquito / Warabaley project PROPEJA. The launching ceremony was held on Monday at the premises of ...
  • 1704

    Last Monday at the headquarters of the Regional Council of Ali Sabieh, the team of ADDS, led by the head of projects, Id Mohamed Abdillahi, started the youth potential registration phase (or untrained graduates) interested by creating viable and lucrative activities. And, it must be added, under the leadership of the State Secretariat for National ...
  • 2028

    Yesterday in the premises of the ADDS, constituents of District 7 received training on the 3 components of PDUI, duties and rules of procedure of the Community Development Fund Management Committee (FDC). Training on integrated urban development program (PDUI) opened yesterday in the meeting room of the Djiboutian Agency for Social Development (ADDS). The training ...
  • 1507

    The State Secretariat for National Solidarity, in collaboration with the ADDS, held last Monday in Djibouti Sheraton hotel an information and awareness of social safety net programs workshop. Took part in the workshop: the Minister of Finance and Economy, the Minister of Higher Education, the Minister of Housing, the Commissioner for Planning, the mayor, parliamentarians, ...
  • 2174

    The Djiboutian Agency for Social Development (ADDS) held yesterday at the People’s Palace, the official launch of the project on the promotion of youth employment and crafts. The event is attended by the Secretary of State for National Solidarity Zahra Youssouf Kayad, the Minister of Economy and Finance for Industry, Ilyas Moussa Dawaleh, the Japanese ...
  • 1752

    Some pioneers have started a literacy project for women and girls in the region of Obock. The draft says attracts favor with local authorities. He also enjoys the financial support of the Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS). A group of women, of different ages clases, decided to create the association, called « Voices of Youth Obock ...
  • 1583

    Abubaker Moussa Arreh, elected president of the management committee. The headquarters of the Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS) hosted yesterday a meeting appointment of a president of a municipal development fund management committee, its PDUI abbreviation. This committee and its president have the daunting task of validating projects from micro-actors in local community life and ...
  • 1949

     As part of the fight against child malnutrition, the Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS) held on 5 January a community assessment meeting in the neighborhood of « Water tarpaulin ‘headquarters the association « FICIL » located in the town of Balbala. This specific meeting targeted vulnerable women as well as project beneficiaries had to  » social safety nets’.The ...