• 2218

    There was talk last Thursday of rural electrification in the palace of the people. The problem is transverse. It has fueled debate among participants of the workshop organized by the ADDS under the State Secretariat for National Solidarity. Secretary of State for National Solidarity, Zahra Youssouf Kayad chaired last Thursday palace people a dissemination workshop ...
  • 1975

    The Director General of the Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS) inaugurated last Sunday of solar street lights in the chief town of Obock region. And much to the relief of local personalities and simple anonymous who see favorably the emergence of these modern street lighting in their living environment. The Director General of the Djibouti ...
  • 1943

    Yesterday, the conference room of the Regional Council of Ali Sabih hosted a meeting for validation of micro associative structures of Ali Sabih . Of the twenty projects in question , five were validated , four have been postponing decision and eleven were rejected. The Djibouti Social Development Agency yesterday sent a delegation led by ...
  • 1997

    The World Bank has agreed to Tuesday, May 20 last financing in the form of concessional credit of $ 5.6 million U.S. dollars in favor of the second phase of reduction of urban poverty in Djibouti city. The Board of Directors of the World Bank Group approved on Tuesday May 20 a credit of 5.6 ...
  • 2350

    The Social Development Agency (ADDS ) held last Wednesday in Tadjourah to launch a two-day workshop , devoted to the capacity building of actors tadjouroise civil society. Stakeholders in these meetings have discussed the terms of restructuring the local associations. The Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS ) held from Wednesday 14 to Thursday 15 May ...
  • 1580

    Training on maternal and child malnutrition opened yesterday at the headquarters of UNFD . Lasting two days, this workshop targets about 25 community health workers , from medical facilities in the capital and regions of the interior. The Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS ) opened yesterday at the headquarters of UNFD the work of a ...
  • 1895

    Secretary of State for National Solidarity, Zahra Youssouf Kayad , along with local elected officials and the Director General of the Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS ) went in the evening last Saturday on multiple sites Common Balbala which were erected solar street lights . In doing so, the visitors were able to see the ...
  • 2303

    In the context of the fight against poverty, Djibouti Social Development Agency organized last Saturday in Arta a consultation meeting with the committees of the Arta region , financing micro carrier associations . Financed by the African Development Bank and implemented by the ADDS , these focus on the fight against unemployment and precarious micro ...
  • 1909

    validation session charitable projects in the area of Arta, in the presence of the Director General Mahdi Mohamed Djama , the Prefect , Atteyeh Waïs Bouh and Regional Chair Omar Djama Odowa. As part of its program to reduce urban poverty in the five regions of the country, ADDS has launched a comprehensive program whose ...
  • 1616

    In the framework of the fight against maternal and child malnutrition, Djibouti Agency for Social Development ended yesterday UNFD a recycling workshop for counselors and facilitators mothers on prevention of maternal and child malnutrition based Community . Sixty counselors mothers were trained in preventing maternal and child malnutrition. The workshop was closed yesterday in the ...
  • 2101

    Facilitators trained to provide medical and nutritional monitoring A training workshop entitled  » recycling counselors mothers and facilitators on the prevention of maternal and child malnutrition in community-based , » opened yesterday at the headquarters of UNFD . Fifty mothers , from the capital and Arta regions and Tadjourah , enjoy this animated by the coordinator ...
  • 2008

     » No to Drugs  » was the one and only motto returning on the lips of participants of the event organized at the sports ground of Ward 7 . And , remember , regardless of their social status. The General Council of District 7 in collaboration with the municipality of Boulaos , held last Thursday ...