• 1738

    It is now question of networking of microfinance institutions operating in the country. This was also the central theme of the workshop which was held yesterday at the People’s Palace. Microfinance booming in Djibouti. This is why management of microfinance in Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS) was able to identify the weaknesses and has developed ...
  • 1554

    Train persons acting in micro-finance in the CPEC, to improve the services provided to beneficiaries of the popular savings and credit union. That is the objective in purpose in the training initiative organized by the State Secretariat for National Solidarity, with the support of the Central Bank of Djibouti. The State Secretariat for National Solidarity, ...
  • 1453

    Since their launch in 2008, the country CPEC – because there are CPEC north and south as well as Djibouti-ville – injected a credit volume of over 1.3 million FD for financing economic activities the beneficiaries of which there are three thousand people, including a large majority of women. Last Thursday, the People’s Savings and ...
  • 2697

    Yesterday at the palace of the people, Prime Minister Mohamed Kamil Abdoulkader chaired the general meeting of the credit union savings and loan (CPEC) of Djibouti. The event saw the participation of several members of government, including Secretary of State for National Solidarity Zahra Youssouf Kayad, and numerous officials from various backgrounds. The State Secretariat ...
  • 1525

    Once called the « Fortune of the Poor », microfinance today is a promising sector that has according to experts, interesting development opportunities for a full contribution to the dynamic growth of our country. The finding is relevant. It yesterday came from the Secretary of State for National Solidarity Zahra Youssouf Kayad, who delivered yesterday to the ...
  • 1735

    The management of the microfinance ADDS organized last Sunday an awareness session on the premises of the credit union savings and loan (CPEC) of Djibouti. The initiative targeted members of the microfinance institution. It was part of the perspective of the general meeting of the CPEC, scheduled for Wednesday 29 April. The facilitators of the ...
  • 1466

    ADDS has just launched a training project Dikhil driving licenses C and E has 60 young dikhilois without quatlification. This is a project that is part of the insertion of less than twenty-five years too early program out-of-school. Under the aegis of the Social Development Agency (ADDS), a workshop to launch the project « train driving ...
  • 1446

    Popular Savings and Credit Unions (CPEC), like all mutual microfinance institutions in the world, held an annual meeting to review the activities carried out and to renew their management bodies. Since their launch in 2008, CPEC injected a credit volume of over one billion three hundred million of our francs for financing economic activities of ...
  • 1719

    FD 50 million to solidarity groups in Hayableh sector An awareness day on micro Islamic finance was held last Sunday at Hayableh neighborhood in the town of Balbala. A total of 300 women spread over 11 sectors Hayableh, received each a loan of fifty thousand francs now. The Djiboutian Social Development Agency (ADDS) organized last Sunday ...
  • 1583

    An awareness day on micro Islamic finance was held last Sunday in Hayableh district of the town of Balbala. The advent has targeted a total of 300 women from 11 sectors Hayableh who received a loan of fifty thousand francs now each. The Djiboutian Social Development Agency held last Sunday in Hayableh- area of ​​the ...
  • 1519

    Alongside urban planning training workshop and regional planning, the trainers gave us their views and some explanations on the technical aspects and the ins and outs of this training. Anthology. The Nation: François Laurent you’re planner and president of Urbaplan. Can you tell us what is special about this training? Francis Lawrence: This course includes ...
  • 2103

    In partnership with the State Secretariat for National Solidarity, the Secretariat of State for Housing and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the French Development Agency (AFD) began yesterday at the palace of the people works a training seminar on urban planning. This meeting will continue it until 2 March. Facilitators and participants will address ...